Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hidden in Plain View

This idea was taken from Tutu's Two Cents, a book blog that I follow regularly. It's an interesting idea just in its pure randomness of results.

The idea is to pick a book at random from you bookshelves and "bring it into the light of day". I followed tutu's lead and used on my LibraryThing collection of books in my library.

This week's book is : Bound to Happen by Alison Kent

A long time ago I receive a TON of romance novels, I'd guess well over 100). I tried reading a few back then and just did not enjoy the genre much so they got packed up and forgotten until my recent move. I have every book I own out on the shelves now that I have the room, including the many, many romance novels (mostly Harlequins if that matters). I decided to give them another go and found that I liked a few of them. They will never be my favorite genre, but they are great for a lazy Saturday afternoon or evening when I know I want to read a happy ending. I have not made it to this one yet, but one of my reading goals is to try and read at least two a month. I've broken it up by type (this would be a "Blaze") and haven't gotten to these yet. I'll be sure to post a review once I get a chance to.

Oh, and aren't you proud of me? I finally figured out how to post an image. It was amazingly simply. All I had to do was open my eyes and look for the button!

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