Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

42. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie MeyerThe final volume in the Twilight Saga was a page turner. There were only a handful of things that I expected and even those happened with an odd little twist. Bella seems to get all she wished for, and then some. Edward and Bella become protectors of a strange little being that no one knew could even exist. The animosity and rivalry between Jake and Edward evaporates as he finds his place with the strange little creature. We see the return of the Volturi and through this situation learn the full extent of the types of devastating special abilites that tend to pop up among the vampires. And the biggest surpise of all is the one Bella herself has.

This series just moved up a level because of this book. It went from mediocre, but entertaining, to suspenseful and so interesting that I read this 754 page book in one afternoon.

1 comment:

Miss Remmers said...

Hey girl! I've got an award for you!